Togheter with Soprintendenza Archivistica e Bibliografica di Puglia e Basilicata the Conservatory started a project of cataloguing the material in the Historic Archive of the Conservatory. The project has the specific goal to protect and exploit all documents which are part of this archive. This is the preliminary work to prepare for a reorganization which will be completed through the knowledge of all the internal regulations of the school and of the related state laws. In this way will be possible to reconstruct the historic value of this archive.

The method adopted to work on this archive has been the historic-institutional research method. In order to realize the project, every document has been put in correlation with the administrative processes during different time periods. The ultimate goal is that the present archive and the archive of deposit, could grow together coherently, with the historic archive
Final aim of such project is to allow an historical reconstruction of Conservatory Life, preparing, at the same time, the access to all documents of the school. They are the witness of all different institutional phases and of all the reasons either behind the school activities, or behind the different management choices adopted in the historic and cultural context, in which the Conservatory grew and operated.